David Dallas - Big Time

"Big Time" is the song that brought a new wave of interest (from outside the NZ hip-hop core fan base) into David Dallas' music back in 2009, with even Kanye West liking it enough to post it on his blog. The song has since been used in a range of commercial-type applications e.g. as background music for the 2011 French Open promos on ESPN. With a video by the talented Special Problems team (seen many times on this blog), this is also the song that got me to the point that I started to buy David Dallas' music. For me, he is one of the few New Zealand hip hop artists that I think has the potential to have an extended international career, and it is clear his thinking is sufficiently global, albeit that might be against a backdrop of restricted resources. If there was an artist that could do with a fiscal push, David Dallas would probably fit the criteria

David Dallas - Big Time

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