Zen Mantra - Soothsayer

Coming to Christchurch via Australia, precocious talent Sam Perry (ex-Psych Tigers) describes himself as a "producer" and I see no reason why he shouldn't judging by the standard of Zen Mantra's first album "How Many Padmes Hum?". Great songs fleshed out with texture, dynamics and a wall of noise result in what is a "complete" album. I find it amazing that a seventeen year old can come up with something as mature as this - from a "bedroom" studio. In Rip It Up magazine Sam cited influences such Pink Floyd, Tame Impala and Deerhunter. For me, a short-hand description would be an intersection somewhere between The Popstrangers and "shoe-gaze". Muzai Records is distributing the album locally and there are also offshore distribution deals in place, a testament to how others in the industry feel about Sam's talent. You can listen to some tracks from the album at the link below. You can buy Zen Mantra's music through Muzai Records or iTunes.


Zen Mantra - Soothsayer

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