Junica - Stay

Can't stay away from Junica for long. This video is self-directed by Nik Brinkman and is for one of the several singles released in 2012. We still don't have an album, but that is on it's way I understand. This video, considering it's budget, is a good example of what can be done with limited resources when one has imagination, a vision and some technical skills. I am a big fan of Junica, lumping him in with a bunch of New Zealand acts with music that plays with a range of retro-electro influences - that has had me over-representing them in blog posts over the last few months. Examples are She's So Rad, Knives At Noon and Kids Of 88. On top of that there are the less retro, but genre-related artists such as Watercolours, Scratch 22 and James Duncan - that continue to nourish my enthusiasm for writing this blog. There just seems to be so much to write about. I am about to post another band that doesn't seem to get too much recognition in New Zealand, but which I think is pretty bloody clever. The Ruby Suns - coming soon.

Junica - Stay

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