Death In Texas - Oil & The Water

I apologize for what I am now about to write. I am no writer despite the fact I try to do it. I was looking for an analogy for why I like this band. It came to me that maybe it's a little like growing up. I hated coffee when I tried it as a five year old. There was no way you could get me to take a second sip. But now of course I love it. Part of that is clearly the narcotic effect, but the complexity of the taste (when done well), and the challenges it throws at the 'obvious' sweet tastes of cakes et al are rewarding. Death in Texas is a similar experience aesthetically. The first time I heard the band, the proximity to 'contrived' worried me. Still, I got over that hump. This is music that is consciously constructed - to be listened to. Unless one is into modern dance (imagine a 48 year old!), it is almost impossible to dance to. But to hear it live, on a cold, damp night in London, in a bar with very little going on (and a mix from hell) I was struck by the complexities Ruth Searle, Kane Power, and departing bassist Terry Blake, were deliberately introducing...which were easily embraced. I found the gig rewarding to listen to. Death in Texas is a very interesting band. They might struggle a bit at the moment because they are so hard to pigeonhole aurally. There is also that proximity to 'contrived'. That, I have left behind now. Mark my words, if this band can keep going, there is longevity, and recognition to be had. It is art. This is their latest single "Oil & the Water". You can buy the band's material at the link below.

Death In Texas - Oil & The Water

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