Artisan Guns - Baby Blue

Artisan Guns' "Coral" album sneaked up on me in 2012 and ended up on high rotate over the summer. "Baby Blue" is the third single off the album, and not my favourite. But the album as a composite is a accomplished release, with sympathetic production by Djeisan Suskov, and brilliant vocal performances by Matthew Hope. I just cannot think of anyone else who could sing these songs about a younger life better than Matthew. It is also testament to Djeisan's production skill that he managed to catch the warmth of the delivery. The album was recorded live, and my initial reaction to that was sceptical, but the "soul" of the album which is directly a result of that live approach, has completely won me over. This is a mature album, giving lie to the youth of these very talented artists. The bass player Reuben Stephens also has an astute visual aesthetic which can be seen in Watercolours "Under" video (link below). The "Baby Blue" video was directed by Ralph Matthews and is a little beauty as well. You can buy "Coral" at the link below. Strongly recommended.

Watch Reuben Stephens video for Watercolours' "Under" at the link below.

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