Delete Delete - Between The Lines

Shot by Si Moore (New York-based member of Streets of Laredo) on a Phantom high-speed camera with a cast-of-thousands, this video must have needed some planning to work. The (very talented) Si talked to the NZ Herald about the inspiration behind the video in March (linked below). The video was produced by Fran Coulibaly and Sophia Bayly. Editing was by Daryl Habraken. Delete Delete is Lani Purkis, Kurt Shanks and Chris van de Geer, seen previously on this blog with the excellent "What Do You Take Me For" video. Si Moore's current bandmates actually used to work with Lani in Elemeno P, a band that seems so long ago now, but which was responsible for some great pop tunes (remember "Fast Times in Tahoe"?). Chris van de Geer was also one of the key members of late-90s, early-2000s band Stellar with Boh Runga, a band that really should have done better internationally than it did, with some well-written well-produced pop songs. Delete Delete have an album release planned for mid-year sometime. If you like "Between The Lines" you can buy it at the iTunes link below.

Si Moore interviewed at the link below...

Delete Delete - Between The Lines

Sheep, Dog & Wolf - Glare

Sheep, Dog & Wolf (Daniel McBride) launched his debut album (and second anthology), "Egospect" to almost unanimous acclaim in 2013. It is difficult for me to pick a favourite track but "Glare" is one of the high points of the album. All the arrangements, instrumentation, vocals are Daniel's. For the album to end up as cohesively as it has, it is clear he has a well-developed creative vision. The songs are interesting enough on their own, but when accompanied by the startling imagery created by Thunderlips here, I don't think it is going too far to call this "greatness". I can't stop watching it. The thematic transition from "chasing fire" to "daylight" is amazing. How does one think of that? According to the video's blurb, it was shot 12 hours north of Adelaide in the Australian desert, at a place called "The Moon Plains", on what used to be ancient sea floor. It took them 10 days to get the sun in the right place for the shoot. Spectacular. You can buy Daniel's album at the link below. I have it. There is also a link to Candlelit Pictures if you would like to see more of their brilliant work. This video has made the NZMusic4U Honour Roll.

Sheep, Dog & Wolf - Glare

She's So Rad - Levels

She's So Rad urbanely surf between genre's...a common thread being rich textures, and a big "international" sound. The skateboarding imagery is maybe a little apt?! They are one of the reasons this blog exists. Wary of boring my (tired) friends with NZ musical talent, it was She's So Rad's "Confetti" video that pushed me to set up this Blogger account. Jeremy Toy, Anji Sami, (now with Phil Hadfield [bass] and John Parker [drums]) routinely spark up the smorgasbord of local offerings. I have always maintained She's So Rad are one of the ones that could do very well internationally. But it doesn't help if someone smashes one's head in...which is what happened to Jeremy a little while ago (no thanks to one of New Zealand's many local psychopaths) what should have been a flood of material has been a low volume exercise in creative therapy. Thank goodness it is all still there. This swift-moving, nicely-edited video is directed by Bill Bycroft, and features skateboarder Christian Low. I love this band. See links below.

She's So Rad - Levels