The Impending Adorations - Advice To The Young At Heart

Paul McLaney was known to many in the early noughties as "Gramsci" and was reasonably prolific in that period. His distinctive vocals have shown up across a range of offerings over recent years, and he has worked behind the scenes with several local luminaries. In recent years however, he seemed to have faded from view somewhat. I had a love-hate with Paul's earlier music, often loving the songs, arrangements and production, but finding sometimes the vocals were close to contrived. Still, on balance I liked it. His new moniker is "The Impending Adorations" and it is under this name he released a few tracks several years ago, of which today's 2010 video is one. A simple but effective visual for a very good song. But the video is just an excuse for me to introduce his new album "Gestalt". I have listened to the album several times over the last 36 hours or so and can confidently proclaim that the wait has been worth it. This is a sublime work which grows and grows. The vocals are perfectly balanced. It is music to get lost in and I have enjoyed today, walking through a cold but sunny London, lost in the vibe he has created. You can listen and purchase the new offering at the link below.

"Advice To The Young At Heart" - The Impending Adorations

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