From 2011's "Unknown Mortal Orchestra" album (their first), and to mark my first time attendance at a live performance of Unknown Mortal Orchestra (UMO), here is the first track released by UMO back in 2010, "Ffunny FFrends". UMO are Ruban Nielson (vocals/guitar), Jake Portrait (bass) and Greg Rogrove (drums). Described as an "American and New Zealand band" due to their Portland, Oregon base, and American band members, nonetheless, to me this is a quintessentially New Zealand offering, with Ruban Nielson (ex-Auckland's "Mint Chicks") dominating the creative process. Pitchfork magazine said the following about the first album - "an expert use of space rare for such a lo-fi record, UMO manages a unique immersive and psychedelic quality without relying on the usual array of bong-ripping effects". That very lo-fi "space" meant it took me awhile to warm to UMO, but I am now pretty much fully onboard, although I find my affection quite polarized between tracks, with some of the tracks still not dragging me in. That might just be
my problem though. I do love "FFunny Ffrends", "Thought Ballune", "How Can U Love Me", "Nerve Damage", "Little Blu House", and "Strangers are Strange"- yup, pretty much the entire album! UMO have a new album "II", to be released on the Jagjaguwardue label sometime in February 2013. The band are touring as part of the release process. I am very much looking forward to seeing them live. You can buy the first UMO album at the link below:
UMO wiki here:
For details of their Wellington gig on Friday January 4th, 2013, please see the link below:
Unknown Mortal Orchestra - Ffunny Ffrends (OFFICIAL)